Figure 3.
PDGF‐BB downregulated miR‐339 through PI3K and ERK activity. (A) RPASMC was pretreated for 30 min with U0126 or pictilisib, following exposure to PDGF‐BB for 12 h, expression of miR‐339 was determined by qRT‐PCR. n = 3, #P < 0.05, with Student's t test comparing indicated group. RPASMC was pretreated with U0126 or pictilisib for 30 min, following stimulation with PDGF‐BB for 5 min, western blot was performed to determine the protein level of pAkt, Akt (B) and pERK, ERK (C). i = 3, *P < 0.01 between indicated groups.