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. 2007 Jul-Sep;1(3):288–295. doi: 10.1590/S1980-57642008DN10300011

Table 5.

Comparison between mean patient performance observed by the investigator and by the caregiver.

Questions Caregiver    Patient P Interpretation
  Mean SD Median   Mean SD Median    
Q1 - Able to fill out a check, pay 2.73 0.83 3.00   1.73 1.31 2.00 0.002 Significant
bills and handle money.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q2 - Able to organize him/herself 2.69 0.84 3.00   1.96 1.04 2.00 0.006 Significant
by making notes.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q3 - Able to buy clothes and food. 2.62 0.80 3.00   2.08 0.93 2.00 0.002 Significant
                  Caregiver>Patient difference
Q4 - Able to play cards, checkers 2.19 1.30 3.00   1.31 1.26 1.00 0.001 Significant
and dominoes.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q5 - Able to make coffee and not to 2.23 1.18 3.00   1.31 1.12 1.50 0.002 Significant
forget to turn off the stove.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q6 - Able to prepare food. 2.54 0.76 3.00   1.23 1.14 1.00 <0.001 Significant
                  Caregiver>Patient difference
Q7 - Able to keep up with 2.62 0.90 3.00   1.58 1.14 2.00 0.001 Significant
community or neighborhood events.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q8 - Able to pay attention to and 2.04 1.34 3.00   1.62 1.10 2.00 0.16 No significant
to understand a television or radio                 Caregiver=Patient difference
program and to read and under-                  
stand a newspaper or magazine.                  
Q9 - Able to remember engage- 2.54 0.90 3.00   1.85 1.05 2.00 0.02 Significant
ments, family events and his/her                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Q10 - Able to take a walk outside the 2.65 0.85 3.00   1.35 1.23 1.50 0.001 Significant
neighborhood without getting lost.                 Caregiver>Patient difference
Total 24.81 6.43 26.50   16.00 8.90 18.00 <0.001 Significant
                  Caregiver>Patient difference