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. 2007 Jan-Mar;1(1):104–107. doi: 10.1590/S1980-57642008DN10100016

Table 2.

Neuropsychological testing: attention, executive functions, memory, language and visuospatial skills.

Visuospatial skills Block design (WAIS) Severe impairment
  Rey-Osterrieth complex figure Severe impairment
Attention Trail making test Unable to perform test
  Stroop test Unable to recognize colors
Planning Chapuis labyrinth Mild impairment
  Wisconsin card sorting test Number of errors = 32/64
    Number of categories = 01/03
    Numbers of perseveration errors = 15
Memory Wechsler memory scale- Logical memory (immediate recall) = normal
  review (WMS-R) Visual reproduction (immediate recall) = 21/41 (4thpercentile)
    Delayed recall
    Logical memory = normal
    Visual reproduction =10/41 (1stpercentile)
  Rey-Osterrieth complex figure Delayed recall = 06/36 (moderate impairment )
Language Verbal fluency Semantic category (animals): normal performance
    Phonemic category (FA.S): normal performance
  Boston naming test 10/60