Table 1.
Clinical and demographic characteristics, and results of cognitive tests in PD patients.
Patients evaluated | 45 |
Gender (men:women) | 24:21 |
Age (mean±SD) | 62.3±12.3 years (range: 34 to 87 years) |
Age at PD presentation | 55.22±12.9 years (range: 28-83 years) |
Duration of disease | 6.8±4.2 years (range: 2 to 17 years) |
Schooling (years) (mean±SD) | 5.62±12.9 years (range: 0-19 years) |
Hoehn and Yahr | 2±0.7 (range: 0-3) |
Schwab and England | 79%±17 (range: 50-100) |
Motor UPDRS (shortened version) | 12.2±6.8 (range: 4 to 28) |
MMSE | 24.6±3.9 (range: 9-29) |
MMSE pentagon drawing | 46.7% were not able to draw |
MDRSl | 122.6±17.7 (range: 37-141) |
MDRS-constr subscale | 3.93±2.02 (range: 0-6) |
SCOPA-COG total score | 18.75±7.0 (range: 0-30) |
SCOPA-COG figcomp subscale | 2.64±1.58 (range: 0-5) |
HVOT | 11.81±5.2 (range: 3-21) |
JLO | 18.98±7.09(range: 0-28.5) |
CLOX 1 | 7.9±3.2 (range: 0-14) |
CLOX 2 | 10.9±2.8 (range: 2-15) |
HVOT, Hooper Visual Organization Test; JLO, Judgment of Line Orientation, Form V; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MDRS, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; MDRS constr, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale construction subscale; SCOPA-COG, Scale of Outcomes of Parkinson Disease-Cognitive; SCOPA-COG figcomp, Scale of Outcomes of Parkinson Disease-Cognitive Figure Composition subscale; CLOX 1, Clock drawing task part 1; CLOX 2, Clock drawing task part 2.