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. 2016 Nov 1;13(4):96–99. doi: 10.1192/s2056474000001446

Table 1. Data from the WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011 and 2014 country profiles.

Belarus Bulgaria* Czech Republic Hungary Moldova Poland Romania Russian Federation Slovakia* EE average EU15 average
General information
% of the global burden of disease accounted for by neuropsychiatric disorders 17.4%* 21.2%* 24.5%* 24.7%* 17.6%* 24.1%* 19.9%* 15.6%* 26%* 21.22% 29.96%
Total health expenditure per capita (US$) 463 421* 1 367 1 056 263 895 504 957 903* 758.8 4 382.5
Existence of mental health policy No Yes* Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* 77% 93%
Involvement of service users and families in decision-making None Partial* Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial* None, 11%; partial, 89%; full, 0% None, 0%; partial, 46.6%; full, 53.5%
Resources for mental health
Mental health spending per capita (US$) 12.9 NR NA 29.1 4.7 NA 36.3 10.2 NR 18.7 293.7
% of total health expenditure allocated to mental health 2.8% 3%** 3%** 2.8% 1.8% NR 7.2% 1.1% 5%** 3.3% 7%
Total no. of mental health workers per 100 000 44.2 NR NR 50.3 65.2 40 36.3 48.7 NR 47.4 127.2
No. of psychiatrists per 100 000 7.6 6.7 11.8* 6.5* 5.9 5.1 5.9 11 11.5 8 14.1
Institutional care
Total no. of in-patient care facilities in 2011 (per 100 000) 14 (0.15) 12 (0.16) 19 (0.18) 3 (0.03) 3 (0.08) 53 (0.14) 39 (0.18) 360 (0.26) 9 (0.17) 56.89 (0.15) 73.62 (0.27)
Total no. of beds in mental hospitals in 2011 (per 100 000) 5610 (58.51) 2705 (36.08) 9540 (91.64) 282 (2.83) 2080 (58.17) 15 014 (39.47) 8107 (38.26) 153 737 (109.53) 1674 (30.93) 22 083.22 (51.71) 11 021.54 (44.72)
No. of beds per mental hospital in 2011 400.7 225.4 502.1 94 693.3 283.3 207.8 427 186 335.5 198.2
Total no. of in-patient care facilities in 2014 (per 100 000) 16 (0.17) NR 18 (0.17) 0 3 (0.08) 52 (0.13) 35 (0.16) 224 (0.15) NR 49.7 (0.12) 102 (0.21)
Total no. of beds in mental hospitals in 2014 (per 100 000) 6301 (67.7) 8850 (82.4) 0 2070 (59.8) 13 377 (35) 10 950 (50.6) 146 456 (102.8) 28 439 (56.07) 13 373.3 (36.61)
No. of beds per mental hospital in 2014 393.8 491.7 NA 690 257.2 312.8 653.8 466.6 184.6
Changes (%) in total no. of in-patient care facilities 2011–14 (% per 100 000) 14.3 (13.33) NR -5.2 (-5.56) NR 0 -1.9 (-7.14) -10.2 (-11.11) -37.8 (-42.31) NR -12.6 (-18.1) 38.5 (-23.31)
Changes (%) in total no. of beds in mental hospitals 2014-11 (% per 100 000) 12.3 (15.71) -7.2 (-10.08) -0.5 (2.80) -10.9 (-11.33) 35.1 (32.25) -4.7 (-6.14) 28.8 (8.42) 21.3 (-18.13)
Changes (%) in no. of beds per mental hospital 2014 versus 2011 -1.7% -2.1% -0.5% -9.2% 50.5% 53.1% 39.1% -6.8%

Notes: EE – Eastern Europe; EU15 – 15 member states of the European Union before its enlargement in 2004 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the UK); NR = not reported; NA = item not applicable; UN = information unavailable;


data from the WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011;


data from the WHO Mental Health Atlas 2005.