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. 2013 Oct-Dec;7(4):374–379. doi: 10.1590/S1980-57642013DN74000004

Table 3.

Percentiles for subjects with 1-4 years of schooling and 50 to 60 years of age (n=16).

Percentile Attention I/P Construction Conceptualization Memory Total
1 33 28 6 27 19 125
5 33 28 6 27 19 125
10 33.7 30.1 6 29.8 19 126.4
25 34.25 32 6 34 21.25 130.2
50 35 35 6 37 24 134
75 36 36 6 37 24.75 137.7
90 36 37 6 39 25 138.3
Mean 35 34 6 35.6 22.87 133.7
SD 0.93 2.6 0 3.24 2.125 4.38