Table 2.
Test performance of AD patients and elderly controls.
Measure | AD | EC |
Global cognition score | ||
MMSE, n/ 30** | 18.00±4.29 | 28.64±1.39 |
DRS, n/ 144** | 113.33±8.45 | 139.27±3.70 |
Vocabularysubtest (WAIS-R)** | 32.48±10.14 | 49.27±8.33 |
Short-term memory | ||
Digit Span Forward (DRS)** | 4.95±1.32 | 6.64±1.13 |
Corsi' Block-TappingTest Forward* | 4.81±1.91 | 6.50±1.94 |
Episodic recall | ||
RAVLT | ||
Trial 1 | 2.00±1.61 | 5.45±1.43 |
Trial 2 | 2.90±2.09 | 7.77±1.82 |
Trial 3 | 3.38±2.24 | 9.59±2.42 |
Trial 4 | 3.76±2.11 | 9.72±1.93 |
Trial 5 | 4.04±2.65 | 11.00±1.87 |
Delayed Recall | 0.95±2.15 | 8.36±2.40 |
Delayed Recognition | -9.38±14.05 | 10.86±3.50 |
Semantic recall | ||
BNT, n/ 15** | 12.48±2.13 | 15±0.00 |
Nonverbal recall | ||
ROCF - Recall** | 3.00±3.13 | 18.00±6.10 |
Working Memory | ||
Digit Span Backward (DRS)** | 2.62±1.39 | 4.41±1.18 |
Corsi' Block Test Backward** | 2.81±1.53 | 5.23±1.27 |
Calculation ability | ||
Arithmeticsubtest (DRS)** | 3.33±0.61 | 7.50±0.85 |
Executive and Attention functions | ||
CDT - To command** | 7.38±2.51 | 9.82±0.50 |
WCST - Categories** | 1.57±1.59 | 4.05±1.67 |
WCST - Total errors** | 20.14±12.28 | 7.27±5.74 |
FPT - Unique designs** | 5.19±4.39 | 18.41±7.71 |
FPT - Perseverations, % | 2.43±2.78 | 2.14±2.37 |
StroopTest - Interference condition,n/32** | 13.95±8.05 | 27.27±5.60 |
Mental Control subtest (DRS)** | 5.29±2.77 | 8.68±0.64 |
Verbal Fluency | ||
Letters (FAS)** | 16.86±10.05 | 36.45±10.63 |
Categories (animal) | 5.57±2.74 | 17.77±4.33 |
Visuoconstructive abilities | ||
CDT - copy** | 4.57±2.95 | 9.55±0.85 |
ROCF - copy** | 19.12±12.13 | 33.5±2.63 |
AD: Alzheimer's disease; EC: Elderly controls; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; RAVLT: Rey's auditory verbal learning test, trial 1 - trial 5, delayed recall score is the number of words reproduced from the 15 words given, recognition range 0 - 30 (score of 15 is chance and 30 indicates complete recognition);50 BNT: Boston Naming test; ROCF: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; CDT: Clock Drawing test; WCST: Wisconsin Card Sorting test; FPT: Five-Point test. Values expressed as means±SD.
p < 0.05;
p < 0.01 (Student's t-test). Higher test scores indicate better performances.