Object naming |
Visual input |
Boston Naming Test16
25/60 |
Severe impairment |
Tactile input |
15/15 |
Preserved |
Visual perception |
Spatial perception and
orientation |
Judgment of Line Orientation17
22/30 |
Mild impairment |
Visual form
discrimination |
Visual Form Discrimination17
29/32 |
Preserved |
Visual-spatial and
constructional |
Clock Drawing Test18
15/15 |
Preserved |
Picture Copy |
Preserved |
Visual object and
spatial perception |
Visual Object and Space |
Perception Batttery19
Incomplete Letters |
19/20 |
Preserved |
Position Discrimination |
20/20 |
Preserved |
ability |
Hooper Visual Organization Test20
Severe impairment |
Unfamiliar face
recognition |
Facial Recognition17
42/54 |
Preserved |
Intellectual abilities |
Wais III21,22
99 |
Preserved |
Memory |
Short term |
Digits (Wais III)21
14/30 |
Preserved |
Long term |
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test23
Total recall |
17/36 |
Severe Impairment |
Delayed recall |
0/12 |
Severe Impairment |
Recognition |
0/12 |
Severe Impairment |
Brief Visualspatial Memory |
Total recall |
15/36 |
Moderate Impaiment |
Delayed recall |
8/dez |
Severe Impairment |
Recognition |
4/6 |
Moderate Impaiment |
Face Recognition25
23/25 |
Preserved |
Abstract concepts |
Modified Card Sorting Test26
6/6 |
Preserved |
Language |
Scene description |
Thematic Picture27
Preserved |
Reading skills |
Words |
0/0 |
Reads with difficulties |
Text |
Guesses the end of the words |
Spontaneous speech |
Thematic Picture27
Preserved |
Comprehension |
Mini-Mental State Examination28
29/30 |
Preserved |
Repetition |
Mini-Mental State Examination28
29/30 |
Preserved |