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. 2017 Sep 28;12(9):e0185307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185307

Table 3. Crude mortality rate and relative adjusted Hazard Ratio for 9 years principal causes of death (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes) in 1044 community dwelling older individuals enrolled into the INCHIANTI study according to combined levels of LDL-C and HDL-C.

GROUP 1 (n = 470) Crude rate 17.6/1000/person-year 5.3/1000/person-year 10.1/1000/person-year
High LDL-C
Normal HDL-C Hazard Ratio 1 1 1
GROUP 2 (n = 117) Crude rate 26.7/1000/person-year 9.3/1000/person-year 10.4/1000/person-year
High LDL-C
Low HDL-C Hazard Ratio 1.08 (CI: 0.63–1.83) 1.77 (CI: 0.76–4.12) 0.64 (CI: 0.27–1.55)
GROUP 3 (n = 331) Crude rate 24.0/1000/person-year 13.7/1000/person-year 20.3/1000/person-year
Optimal/near optimal LDL-C
Normal HDL-C Hazard Ratio 0.96 (CI: 0.65–1.41) 2.49 (CI: 1.38–4.49) 1.41 (CI: 0.87–2.27)
GROUP 4 (n = 126) Crude rate 28.1/1000/person-year 26.9/1000/person-year 28.1/1000/person-year
Optimal/near optimal LDL-C
Normal HDL-C Hazard Ratio 0.75 (CI: 0.41–1.37) 4.52 (CI: 2.30–8.86) 1.59 (CI: 0.78–3.21)

H.R. adjusted for: age, gender, statin therapy, years of school, smoking, alcohol consumption, BMI, creatinine, uric acid, IL-6 plasma levels, serum albumin, hypertension, diabetes, CHD, stroke, CHF, weight loss >4.5 kg in the last year, and diagnosis of cancer.