Table 2. Definitions of the mathematical quantities used.
Item | Definition |
y | The vector of pixel values transformed using the Anscombe transform. The value of the ith pixel is given by yi. |
X | The design matrix describing the linear model. A row in the design matrix is given as x i; each row gives the explanatory variables for pixel i. |
β | The vector of model parameters which are estimated from the quasi-likelihood algorithm. The jth parameter is given by βj. |
μ i | The estimated pixel values. These depend on the value of the parameters as μ = Xβ. The pixel value estimate for the ith pixel is given by μi. |
ri | The residual for the ith pixel given by ri = (yi − μi)/vi 1/2. |
W | The diagonal matrix of weights, where the ith diagonal element is given by w(ri), the weight for the ith residual. |
ρ(ri) | The robust function of residuals. |