The 11-bp deletion in CaELF3a affects the function of the protein in Arabidopsis. A, Degrees of complementation of flowering phenotypes of the wild-type (WT) Columbia-0 (Col-0) Arabidopsis elf3-1 mutant by CDC Frontier but not the ICCV 96029 form of 35S:CaELF3a under both 8-h SD and 16-h LD conditions. B, Rosette leaf number at flowering for the elf3-1 mutant, the wild type, and transgenic Arabidopsis lines grown under LD and SD. Because Columbia-0 wild-type lines were extremely late flowering under SD, a discontinuous y axis indicated with broken lines was used to enable the visualization of flowering time differences in other lines. For LD conditions, values represent means ± se for n = 91 and n = 66 for CDC Frontier and ICCV 96029, respectively. For SD conditions, values represent means ± se for n = 85 and n = 71 for CDC Frontier and ICCV 96029, respectively. For each photoperiod/transgene combination, eight to 11 independent transgenic lines were analyzed. Data are derived from T2 plants homozygous for the transgene. Control (wild type/elf3-1) values represent means ± se for n = 10 to 14.