Figure 3.
Relevance of fermentation for monoterpene formation in peppermint GTs. A, Mapping of gene expression patterns (values are TPM in secretory phase GTs) in the context of coupling the NADH-to-NAD+ conversion catalyzed by ADH to the ATP-generating steps of glycolysis. B, The menpiGT_2015 model predicts fermentative reactions to carry significant flux during the secretory phase of GTs. C, ADH activity staining darkens GTs in secretory phase on intact leaves. D, ADH activity staining darkens isolated secretory cells. E, Percentage of secretory cells labeled by ADH activity staining correlates with the proportion of GTs at secretory phase. F, ADH activity in GTs isolated from young and mature leaves. Values are means ± sd (n = 3). G, Purification of recombinant peppermint ADH1 from E. coli. H, Michaelis-Menten plot for the dependence of reaction velocity of peppermint ADH1 on the substrate concentration. H, Lineweaver-Burk plot to determine the Km and Vmax values for peppermint ADH1 graphically.