Figure 7. Stability of behavioral state-dependent activity patterns.
(A) Stability of average firing rates in different behavioral states (i.e. the unit’s ‘state-tuning’) across several days for example units recorded in the DLS (left) and MC (middle and right). The color-scale corresponds to the firing rate of a unit normalized by its average firing rate. The state abbreviations correspond to slow-wave sleep (SW), REM sleep (RM), quiet wakefulness (QW), repetitive (RP), active exploration (AX), eating (ET) and task execution (TK). (B) Stability of units’ state-tuning over time. Correlations between the state-tuning profiles (as in ‘A’) were measured across time-lags of 1 to 20 days for the same unit (within-unit, solid lines), or between simultaneously recorded units (across-unit, dashed lines) in MC (left) and DLS (right). Colored shaded regions indicate the standard deviation of within-unit state-tuning similarity, over all units. Grey shaded regions indicate standard deviation of across-unit state-tuning similarity, over all time-bins. (C) Diversity in state-tuning across all units recorded in the DLS (left) and MC (right). Units are sorted by the peak behavioral state in their state-tuning curves. (D) Cross-correlograms computed for example pairs of units in the DLS (left) and MC (right) in different behavioral states. Line colors represent behavioral state. (E) Stability of cross-correlograms measured within specific behavioral states. The correlation similarity (see Materials and methods) was measured across time-lags of 1 to 10 days (solid lines) in DLS (left) and MC (right). Line colors represent correlation similarity for different behavioral states, as per the plot legend.