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. 2017 Sep 8;6:e27702. doi: 10.7554/eLife.27702

Figure 7. Stability of behavioral state-dependent activity patterns.

(A) Stability of average firing rates in different behavioral states (i.e. the unit’s ‘state-tuning’) across several days for example units recorded in the DLS (left) and MC (middle and right). The color-scale corresponds to the firing rate of a unit normalized by its average firing rate. The state abbreviations correspond to slow-wave sleep (SW), REM sleep (RM), quiet wakefulness (QW), repetitive (RP), active exploration (AX), eating (ET) and task execution (TK). (B) Stability of units’ state-tuning over time. Correlations between the state-tuning profiles (as in ‘A’) were measured across time-lags of 1 to 20 days for the same unit (within-unit, solid lines), or between simultaneously recorded units (across-unit, dashed lines) in MC (left) and DLS (right). Colored shaded regions indicate the standard deviation of within-unit state-tuning similarity, over all units. Grey shaded regions indicate standard deviation of across-unit state-tuning similarity, over all time-bins. (C) Diversity in state-tuning across all units recorded in the DLS (left) and MC (right). Units are sorted by the peak behavioral state in their state-tuning curves. (D) Cross-correlograms computed for example pairs of units in the DLS (left) and MC (right) in different behavioral states. Line colors represent behavioral state. (E) Stability of cross-correlograms measured within specific behavioral states. The correlation similarity (see Materials and methods) was measured across time-lags of 1 to 10 days (solid lines) in DLS (left) and MC (right). Line colors represent correlation similarity for different behavioral states, as per the plot legend.

Figure 7.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1. Automated classification of behavioral states.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1.

(A) (Top) Spectrograms of the accelerometer signal (top) and the LFP (middle) for an hour-long window of recording from the motor cortex. Below is the color-coded output of our automated classification algorithm. UL-unlabeled; SW-Slow wave sleep; RM-REM sleep; QW- quiet wakefulness, RP-repetitive behavior, AX-active exploration, ET-eating, TK-task. (B) Ethograms showing the proportion of time spent in each of the behavioral states over 40 consecutive days for two example rats. The ethograms do not include absence seizure-like states or unlabeled states (Materials and methods). (C) Circadian profiles of behavioral states over 40 days of recording for active and inactive states for the two rats in B. Behavioral states are color-coded as in A, with gray representing inactive (or active) and unlabeled states.