Fig. 6.
MRAP2 potentiates the ghrelin-stimulated calcium response in AGRP neurons. (a–c) Two-photon images of the ARC of a AGRPCRE mouse injected with viruses coding for Cre-dependent tdTomato and GCamp6. d Representative traces of GCamp6 fluorescence intensity over time in AGRP neurons from AGRPCRE/MRAP2+/+ (blue) and AGRPCRE/MRAP2FL/FL (red) mice. e Quantification of ghrelin-stimulated calcium responses in AGRP neurons from AGRPCRE/MRAP2+/+ mice (n = 5 mice/268 neurons) and AGRPCRE/MRAP2Fl/Fl mice (n = 7 mice/415 neurons). Error bars are SEM. ***p < 0.001