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. 2017 May 9;8(40):67056–67081. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17715

Table 2. Clinical outcomes of the INCAN lung cancer patient cohort (n=90).

% (n/N)
Female 63.3 (57/90)
Male 36.7 (33/90)
Age (years)
Mean (± S.D.) 56.2 (14.1)
Median 58.5
Median Age (years)
< 60 53.3 (48/90)
≥60 46.7 (42/90)
Smoking Expossure
Non-smoker 48.9 (44/90)
Smoker 51.1 (46/90)
Tobacco (pack/years)
Mean (± S.D.) 18.2 (22.9)
Median 10.3
Median of Tobacco (pack/years)
Light smokers (< 10.18) 50 (23/46)
Heavy smokers (≥10.18) 50 (23/46)
Wood-Smoke Exposure
Present 72 (65/90)
Absent 27.8 (25/90)
Asbestos Exposure
Present 7.8 (7/90)
Absent 92.2 (83/90)
Disease Stage
IIIb 23.3 (21/90)
IV 76.7 (69/90)
TX 0(0/90)
T 0 to 1 0(0/90)
T2 12.2 (11/90)
T3 15.6 (14/90)
T4 72.2 (65/90)
NX 72.2 (65/90)
N0 0 (0/90)
N<3 0 (0/90)
N3 15.6 (14/90)
N4 12.2 (11/90)
MX 0 (0/90)
M0 23.3 (21/90)
M1 76.7 (69/90)
0-1 82.2 (74/90)
2-4. 17.8 (16/90)
Adenocarcinoma 84.4 (76/90)
Epidermoid 7.8 (7/90)
Large Cell Carcinoma 5.6 (5/90)
Undifferentiated and others NSCLC 2.2 (2/90)
Main Histological Pattern Among Adenocarcinoma Patients
Lepidic 14.5 (11/76)
Acinar 10.5 (8/76)
Papilar 7.9 (6/76)
Micropapilar 1.3 (1/76)
Solid 27.6 (21/76)
Other/Not specified 38.2 (29/76)
Received Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
No 20 (18/90)
Yes 80 (72/90)
Therapeutic Response to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
Complete response 2.8 (2/72)
Partial response 40.3 (29/72)
Stable disease 40.3 (29/72)
Disease Progression 16.7 (12/72)
Negative 60 (54/90)
Positive 36.7 (33/90)
Undeterminated 3.3 (3/90)