Figure 5. Concentration and time dependent cytotoxicity induced by gemcitabine plus MK-8776.
(A) MDA-MB-231 and (B) AsPC-1 cells were subjected to cytotoxicity assays as performed in Figure 1 with 0 – 300 nM gemcitabine added from 0-6 h, but with 1 μM MK-8776 added at various different times and for different periods. Cells were harvested for up to 8 days and DNA fluorescence assayed as an indication of the number of cells present. The experiment was repeated two times; representative growth curves are shown and a replicate experiment for the first panel is shown in Figure 1. (C) The data at day 8 are also plotted as a waterfall plot with the zero value representing the fluorescence at day 0. These plots represent the average values of two independent experiments.