The gait test. The protective effects of BCP administered both intraperitoneally (A) and orally (B) against MPTP-induced behavioural impairment in mice. The MPTP-lesioned mice exhibited a significant decrease in the average stride length 3 days post-lesion compared to that of the CTL-treated mice. The data are presented as the mean ± SEM of six individual experiments. Intraperitoneal: ** p < 0.01, CTL vs. MPTP. * p < 0.05, MPTP vs. BCP + MPTP. * p < 0.05, MPTP vs. AM630 + BCP + MPTP treatment. Oral: * p < 0.05, CTL vs. MPTP. ** p < 0.01, BCP vs. MPTP. * p < 0.05, MPTP vs. BCP + MPTP treatment.