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. 2017 Sep 20;8(3):101. doi: 10.3390/insects8030101

Table 1.

Summary of minimum adequate models selected by inference on likelihood ratio tests. Effects of treatment (factor with four levels: control, concealed-nectar mix, mixed plots, and open-nectar mix), sampling month (factor with three levels: June, July and August), and the interaction between treatment (T) and month (M) on pollinator richness, pollinator abundance (eusocial bees and solitary bees; flower strips only), aphidophagous natural enemy abundance, other natural enemy abundance and natural enemy richness in orchard alleyways. Degrees of freedom (d.f.), test statistics (LRT) and p-values from likelihood ratio tests are shown. p-values of fixed effects included in final models are presented in bold (p < 0.05).

2012 2013
Within Flower Strip Within Flower Strip
Response Predictor d.f. LRT p d.f. LRT p
Richness Treatment 3 34.23 <0.001 3 17.44 0.001
Month 2 5.63 0.060 2 9.13 0.010
T × M 6 9.67 0.139 6 7.72 0.259
Eusocial bees Treatment 3 22.51 <0.001
Month 2 18.37 <0.001
T × M 6 15.34 0.018 6 6.79 0.341
Solitary bees Treatment 3 13.96 0.003 3 7.02 0.071
Month 2 8.98 0.011 2 10.79 0.005
T × M 6 8.49 0.204 6 4.85 0.564
Natural enemies
Richness Treatment 3 35.22 <0.001
Month 2 23.14 <0.001
T × M 6 14.51 0.024 6 3.91 0.689
Aphidophagous taxa Treatment 3 3.27 0.352 3 18.47 <0.001
Month 2 21.46 <0.001 2 24.82 <0.001
T × M 6 2.27 0.893 6 9.53 0.146
Other taxa Treatment 3 28.00 <0.001
Month 2 8.42 0.015
T × M 6 40.02 <0.001 6 8.74 0.189