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. 2017 Aug 1;11(8):ZG01–ZG05. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/25840.10374


Clinical uses of MTA.

Clinical applications Related studies
Pulp capping Primary teeth: Tuna D and Olmez A 2008 [43]
Permanent teeth: Witherspoon DE [44] concluded that MTA is a good substitute of Ca(OH)2 for vital pulp therapies because it stimulates a higher and greater quality and quantity of reparative dentin and also aids superior long term sealing ability
Pulpotomy Primary teeth: Torabinajad M and Chivin N [4], Ni Chaollai A et al., 2009 [45]
Permanent teeth: Belobrov I et al., 2008 [46], Eghbal MJ et al., [47] revealed that MTA pulpotomy forms a dentine bridge completely and maintains the vitality of the radicular pulp by limiting the inflammation.
Perforation repair (Furcal or root) Primary teeth: Oliveria TM et al., 2008 [48]
Permanent teeth: Arens DE and Torabinajad M [3], Wang P et al., 2009 [49] (MTA promotes bone healing and eliminates the signs of inflammation. hence, MTA can be considered as an alternative option for repair of furcal perforations both in primary and permanent teeth).
Root end filling Permanent teeth: Christiansen R et al., 2009 [50] found that healing of teeth treated with MTA as root end filling material had significantly better healing (96%) than those treated with orthograde GP filling (52%).
Root canal filling Primary teeth (absence of permanent successor): O’SullivanSM and Hartwell GR 2001 [51] Permanent teeth: Bogen G and Kuttler S 2009 [52] (obturation with MTA seemed to provide a biocompatible seal of root canal system).
Resorption Primary teeth: Sari S and Sonmez D 2009 [53] Permanent teeth: Silveria FF et al., [54] treated a double “Pink tooth” with MTA as root canal filling material and found favourable results after 18 months. Hence, MTA may be suitable material for treatment of internal resorption.