Table 2. Demographic and clinical data for patients with PID whose fecal samples tested positive for polioviruses, Wadia Children’s Hospital, Mumbai, India, September 2014–April 2017*.
Serial no. | Age, mo/ sex | PID type | Months last OPV† | IVIG therapy | BMT | Results by collection day |
1 | 48/M | SCID | 37 | Yes | ND | D1, VDPV3; D91, VDPV3; D175, VDPV3; D207, VDPV3; D263, VDPV3; D334, VDPV3; D369, VDPV3; D454, VDPV3; D488, VDPV3; D524, VDPV3; D550, VDPV3; D634, VDPV3; D700, VDPV3; D774, neg; D799, Neg; D840, neg; D930, neg |
2 | 48/M | FLH | NA | No | ND | D1, neg; D49, P1SL; D128, neg; D241, neg |
3 | 4/M | SCID | 4 | Yes | ND | D1, P1SL; D29, P1SL |
*BMT, bone marrow transplant; D, day of collection following first collection; FLH, familial lymphohistiocytosis; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; NA, not available; ND, not done; neg, negative; OPV, oral polio vaccine; P1SL, polio1 Sabin-like; P3SL, polio 3 Sabin-like; PID, primary immunodeficiency disease; SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency; VDPV3, type 3 vaccine-derived poliovirus. †Time from last OPV to first fecal sample collection.