Figure 2. HFD Treatment Accelerates the Age-dependent Impairment of Cerebral Basal Insulin Signaling in ApoE4-TR Mice.
ApoE3-TR and apoE4-TR mice (n=8–9 mice/genotype/treatment group, mixed gender) at middle age (8 months) were fed with either NFD or HFD for 4 months. The amount of p-Akt (Ser473), total Akt, p-GSK3β (Ser9) and total GSK3β in the cortex (A) or hippocampus (B) was examined by Western blotting. The ratios of p-Akt/total Akt and p-GSK3β/total GSK3β were calculated. Data were normalized to apoE3-TR mice for comparison. Two-tailed student’s t test was used for statistical analysis within the group. *p < 0.05; N.S., not significant. Molecular mass markers in kilodaltons are shown.