Pharmacology. In the article “Reconstitution of stretch-activated cation channels by expressin of the α-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel cloned from osteoblasts” by Neil Kizer, Xiao-Li Guo, and Keith Hruska, which appeared in number 3, February 4, 1997, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (94, 1013–1018), the authors request a correction of five instances throughout the paper where the unit of conductance “picosiemen” was incorrectly abbreviated as “psec” and “ps” instead of “pS.” The locations of the five errors and the corrected sentences are as follows: (i) p. 1013, line 20 of the Abstract: Reconstitution of α-rENaC resulted in the expression of a 24.2 ± 1.0 pS SA-CAT channel (PNa:PK = 1.1 ± 0.1). (ii) p. 1013, first column, first paragraph of the Introduction, line 6: These channels typically have a medium conductance of 20–40 pS, are nonselective for monovalent cations, and undergo an increase in channel open probability (Po) with increased mechanical strain (for a complete review see ref. 17). (iii) p. 1017, second column, line 11: The heteromeric protein also exhibits the slow gating kinetics with mean open and mean closed times as long as several seconds and a low conductance (≈4 pS) characteristic of the epithelium sodium channel described in a number of epithelial tissues and cell lines (27). (iv and v) p. 1017, second column, lines 38 and 39: Expressed α-rENaC channels had a conductance of 24 pS compared with 28 pS for the swelling-activated osteoblast channel (16).
. 1997 Apr 15;94(8):4233.
Copyright © 1997, The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
This corrects the article "Reconstitution of stretch-activated cation channels by expression of the α-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel cloned from osteoblasts" on page 1013.