Figure 8. Monocytes from children with uncomplicated malaria have a distinct, regulated inflammatory gene expression profile.
Targeted digital RNA sequencing was performed on monocytes isolated from cryopreserved PBMCs via negative selection over a magnetic column. A customized panel targeted 508 genes important in inflammation and immunity (QIAseq Human Inflammation and Immunity Transcriptome Panel, Qiagen). Differential expression was determined using the DESeq2 R/Bioconductor package. (A) Monocyte transcriptional profiles were compared between samples from cases of acute malaria and matching 6-week recovery samples (n = 6 pairs). Of the 508 genes analyzed, 125 were differentially expressed between AM and 6-week recovery (51 overexpressed and 74 underexpressed during AM; P < 0.05). Key genes are listed in the heatmap. (B) Monocyte transcriptional profiles were compared among samples from children with acute malaria, 6-week recovery samples (n = 6 pairs), and samples from healthy malaria-naive North American controls (n = 5). Of the 508 genes analyzed, 114 were overexpressed and 86 underexpressed during acute malaria compared with North American controls and 124 were overexpressed and 95 underexpressed at 6-week recovery compared with North American (N. Amer.) controls (P < 0.05). Key genes are listed in the heatmap. None of the genes listed in B were differentially expressed between acute malaria and recovery.