Fig. 5. Smith curves of TRCP with different gate voltages.
(A) Temporal coupled mode theory for two resonances, f1 and f2, with a two-port model. (B) Simulated (solid line) and fitted (dashed line) phases of RCP waves are plotted for three different gate voltages ΔV. Smith curves of the TRCP for coupled mode theory of the two-port model representing (C) underdamping (ΔV < 1.8 V), (D) critical damping (ΔV = 1.8 V), and (E) overdamping (ΔV > 1.8 V) behavior. The radiation and intrinsic losses Γ1r, Γ1i, Γ2r, and Γ2i for (F) the RCP excitation and (G) the LCP excitation as a function of ΔV.