Figure 3.
Significant polymorphic methylation susceptible loci (MSL) in larvae. (a) Significant loci between groups of larvae subjected at 15 °C, 17 °C or 19 °C from 0 to 15 days post fertilization plotted as a heatmap (n = 57 significant loci). (b) Significant loci between groups of larvae subjected to constant 15 °C or 19 °C, and larvae switched from 15 °C to 19 °C at 15 hours post fertilization (hpf; 15–19(15)), 120 hpf (15–19(120)) or 240 hpf (15–19(240)), or switched from 19 °C to 15 °C at 15 hpf (19-15(15)), 120 hpf (19-15(120)) or 240 hpf (19-15(240)). In this case, the n = 68 significant loci common to both types of temperature switches, (15 °C to 19 °C and 19 °C to 15 °C) were identified and used for the heatmap. Significant single loci were identified after applying multiple Fisher’s exact tests and adjusting the obtained p-values by the method of Benjamini and Hochberg. Only loci with an FDR < 0.05 were used in the analysis. A hierarchical clustering using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) based on pairwise Gower’s distances of categorical variables was applied for the loci. Four types of loci were used: Type I, unmethylated; Type II, inner cytosine methylation; Type III, hemi-methylation of the outer cytosine; Type IV, full methylation.