Figure 5.
The binding of STM1697 to FlhD4C2 restrains RNAP recruitment. (A) Sequence analysis of the upstream region of the class II flagellar gene fliA. The FlhD4C2 binding region is highlighted in purple, and the −10 like region of the promoter that serves as a σ70 RNA polymerase binding site is colored green. The transcriptional start site is marked in red. The endpoints of the 269 bp DNA used for the following experiments is also shown. (B) Upper: FlhD4C2 complex interacts with target DNA through the Zn-cys cluster and the positive-charge-enriched region of the FlhC dimer. After binding to the −30 to −70 region of the target gene, the FlhD4C2 complex recruits RNA polymerase to form a transcription initiation complex, then the transcription of class 2 flagellar genes is turned on. Lower: the STM1697 molecules bind to two peripheral FlhD subunits to form three-protein complexes with FlhD4C2. The incorporation of STM1697 prevents RNA polymerase from binding the promoter. As a result, the subsequent expression of flagellar genes is repressed. (C–E) Native gel results preformed with different ratios of protein mixture. Twenty picomoles of FlhD4C2, 10 pmol of DNA and 40 pmol of RNAP were used in the reaction systems. Different amounts of YdiV, STM1344 or STM1697 were added according to the indicated ratio to FlhD4C2. The upper and lower pictures show the same gel stained with Coomassie brilliant blue and Gel red, respectively. Band A is the complex of RNAP, FlhD4C2 and DNA, and band B contains FlhD4C2 and DNA. When YdiV, STM1344 or STM1697 were added, band A disappeared.