Table 6.
Domain and Item | Scoring alternatives |
Information and education | |
Item 1 - When you had important questions to ask a doctor, did you get answers that you could understand? | Yes, always/Yes, sometimes/No/I had no need to ask |
Item 2 - When you had important questions to ask a nurse, did you get answers that you could understand? | Yes, always/Yes, sometimes/No/I had no need to ask |
Coordination of care | |
Item 3 - Sometimes in a hospital, one doctor or nurse will say one thing and another will say something quite different. Did this happen to you? | Yes, often/Yes, sometimes/No |
Emotional comfort | |
Item 4 - If you had any anxieties or fears about your condition or treatment, did a doctor discuss them with you? | Yes, completely/Yes, to some extent/No/I didn’t have any anxieties or fears |
Item 8 - If you had any anxieties or fears about your condition or treatment, did a nurse discuss them with you? | Yes, completely/Yes, to some extent/No/I didn’t have any anxieties or fears |
Item 9 - Did you find someone on the hospital staff to talk to about your concerns? | Yes, definitely/Yes, to some extent/No/I had no concerns |
Respect patient preferences | |
Item 5 - Did doctors talk in front of you as if you weren’t there? | Yes, often/Yes sometimes/No |
Item 6 - Did you want to be more involved in decisions made about your care and treatment? | Yes, definitely/Yes, to some extent/No |
Item 7 - Overall, did you feel you were treated with respect and dignity while you were in hospital? | Yes, always/Yes, sometimes/No |
Physical comfort | |
Item 10 - Were you ever in pain? | Yes/No |
Item 10 a - If yes… Do you think the hospital staff did everything they could to help control your pain? |
Yes, definitely/Yes, to some extent/No |
Involvement of family and friends | |
Item 11 - If your family or someone else close to you wanted to talk to a doctor, did they have enough opportunity to do so? | Yes, definitely/Yes, to some extent/No/No family or friends were involved/My family didn’t want or need information/I didn’t want my family or friends to talk to a doctor |
Item 12 - Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the information they needed to help you recover? | Yes, definitely/Yes, to some extent/No/No family or friends were involved/My family or friends didn’t want or need information |
Continuity and transition | |
Item 13 - Did a member of staff explain the purpose of the medicines you were to take at home in a way you could understand? | Yes, completely/Yes, to some extent/No/I didn’t need an explanation/I had no medicines—go to question 15 |
Item 14 - Did a member of staff tell you about medication side effects to watch for when you went home? | Yes, completely/Yes, to some extent/No/I didn’t need an explanation |
Item 15 - Did someone tell you about danger signals regarding your illness or treatment to watch for after you went home? | Yes, completely/Yes, to some extent/No |