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. 2017 Sep 27;5:e3832. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3832

Table 2. FAS-e items reliability results, floor and ceiling effects, means (M) and standard deviation (SD).

Item n Corrected item-total correlaction Crombach’s Alpha if item deleted Floor (“1” %) Ceiling (“5” %) M SD
1. I am worried about fatigue. 852 0.425 0.79 42.0 1.3 1.76 0.81
2. I get tired very quickly. 857 0.593 0.78 36.9 1.1 1.85 0.85
3. I don’t do much during the day. 827 0.411 0.80 40.9 2.9 1.94 1.01
4. I have enough energy for everyday life.a 854 0.415 0.80 22.8 5.2 2.72 1.21
5. Physically, I feel exhausted. 852 0.534 0.78 22.2 2.1 2.05 0.78
6. I have problems starting things. 847 0.572 0.78 54.5 1.1 1.59 0.78
7. I have problems thinking clearly. 849 0.571 0.78 64.2 0.9 1.47 0.74
8. I feel no desire to do anything. 847 0.603 0.78 51.2 0.9 1.61 0.76
9. Mentally, I feel exhausted. 849 0.612 0.77 49.7 0.9 1.68 0.84
10. When I am doing something, I can concentrate quite  well.a 849 0.316 0.82 29.1 6.4 2.61 1.30



Items #4 and #10 have been reverted before carrying all computations.