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. 2017 Aug 29;9(9):954. doi: 10.3390/nu9090954

Table 4.

Hazard Ratio (HR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for the association of total vitamin C intake, adjusted for fiber intake using the residuals method with both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cardiovascular mortality (CVM) for participants over 40 years old in the SUN cohort (follow-up 1999–2016).

Main Analyses § Tertiles of Vitamin C Intake
Q1 (N = 4474) Q2 (N = 4474) Q3 (N = 4473)
Incident CVD (person-time-1 at risk) 58 (49,706) 44 (49,080) 32 (48,186)
Multivariable adjusted § ‡ 1.00 (Ref.) 0.86 (0.57–1.29) 0.74 (0.47–1.15)
Additionally adjusted for MDS 1.00 (Ref.) 0.86 (0.57–1.29) 0.74 (0.47–1.15)
Cardiovascular deaths (person-years at risk) 27 (49,879) 14 (49,247) 7 (48,368)
Multivariable adjusted § ‡ 1.00 (Ref.) 0.52 (0.26–1.02) 0.30 (0.13–0.73)
Additionally adjusted for MDS 1.00 (Ref.) 0.52 (0.26–1.04) 0.30 (0.12–0.72)

MDS: Mediterranean Dietary Score without fruit and vegetable intake related items (low, medium, or high); § Age as underlying time variable in all the models; Adjusted for sex, body mass index (continuous), total energy intake (continuous), total fiber intake (continuous), physical activity (continuous), television watching (continuous), smoking (never, current or former), number of cardiovascular-related diseases at baseline, prevalent cancer, prevalent hypertension, prevalent diabetes, prevalent hypercholesterolemia, prevalent hypertriglyceridemia, family history of stroke, and treatment with aspirin. N = 13,421; Ref: reference category.