Figure 5.
Notch2 loss enhances hematopoietic stem cell and progenitors (HSPC) homing and leads to altered localizations relative to the endosteum. Isolated bone marrow LK cells (0.2×106) from Vav-Cre/Notch2F/F mice and control mice were labeled with CFSE and transferred into lethally-irradiated wild-type (WT) mice. Twenty-four hours later, 2-photon imaging was performed to locate CFSE+ cells in the calvarium. The endosteum is highlighted by the blue second harmonic signal, while the vessel was labeled by TRITC-Dextran dye. (A) The shortest 3D distances between the LK cells and the blood vessel or the endosteum (μm) were compared for control and Notch2-deficient cells. Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed. Data shown were pooled from 3 mice (3 experiments) in each group. Cell numbers counted in the entire calvarium of each recipient were 30, 63, and 57 (total n=150) derived from Vav-Cre/Notch2F/F mice, and 9, 26, and 22 (total n=57) derived from control (ctrl) mice, in experiments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. (B) Representative 2D images show the locations of control versus Notch2-deficient LK cells relative to the blood vessel. Bar size=100 μm.