Figure 1. Comparison of protein abundances between CRC cell lines and tumors.
(a) Volcano plot indicating proteins overexpressed in cell lines (blue) or tumors (red) (FDR<5% and fold change>2); other genes are colored in grey. (b) The GO Biological Processes (BP) enriched for proteins overexpressed in cell lines (blue) or tumors (red) identified using WebGestalt 14. (c) Overlap of stroma signatures with genes overexpressed in tumors versus other genes. p value for hypergeometric test. (d) Distributions of the signed -log10 p values (voom/limma) of the associations between protein abundance and tumor purity score for genes overexpressed in tumors versus other genes. p value for Wilcox rank sum test. (e) Heatmap of tumor stroma and epithelial protein marker expression in tumors and cell lines. The bar plot to the left of the heatmap represents the signed -log10 FDR (voom/limma) comparing protein abundances of tumor and cell line samples. (f) Box plots comparing protein abundance measurements for cell lines and tumors against tumor-cell specific IHC scores defined by the Human Protein Atlas. p values for Jonckheere’s trend test.