Figure 4. GFAP is expressed in rare epithelial cells in the distal small intestine.
(A) X-Gal staining of ileum from GfapCreER;Rosa26LacZ mouse at 15dpt. A stripe of X-Gal labeled epithelial cells ranging from crypt base to villous tip in the small intestine suggests that Cre recombinase was expressed in an epithelial stem cell at the time of induction.
(B) TdTomato expression in the ileal mucosa of a 6-week-old GFAPCre;Rosa26TdTomato mouse. Arrow highlights TdTomato+ epithelial cell.
(C) GFAP immunoreactivity in the ileal mucosa of a wild-type mouse. Arrow highlights GFAP-expressing epithelial cell.
Scale bars A-B=50μm; C=25μm