Figure 3.
Phylogenetic analysis of the internal genes of A/swine/Missouri/A01727926/2015 (MO/15). Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the PB2 (A), PB1 (B), PA (C), NP (D), M (E), and NS gene (F) of MO/15. Numbers on the branches represent measures of robustness based on an ultrafast bootstrap approach implemented in IQ-TREE. Only bootstrap values greater than 80 are shown. Well-supported monophyletic clades that consist of sequences from North American (NAm) and Eurasian (EA) regions are indicated. MO/15 genes are shown in bold font and labeled with an asterisk, and A/swine/Ontario/01911_1/1999 (ONT/99_1) and A/swine/Ontario/01911_2/1999 (ONT/99_2) are shown in bold italic font.