Table 1.
MTurk sample
College sample
College students (N = 287); Original MPDG1; PCA
MTurk participants (confirmation sample) (N = 1,809); ESEM
College students (validation sample) (N = 671); ESEM
Specific item | M/SD | M/SD | 8 Factor | 8 Factor | 7 Factor | 8 Factor | 7 Factor |
C1: To blend in with the crowd | 1.85/0.91 | 1.50/0.74 | Conformity 1 | X | X | X | X |
C2: To fit in | 1.77/0.91 | 1.51/0.75 | Conformity 2 | X | X | X | X |
C3: Because I don’t want to feel left out | 1.83/0.88 | 1.52/0.75 | Conformity 3 | X | X | X | X |
C4: Because other people are playing them | 2.22/0.93 | 2.10/0.92 | Conformity 4 | X | X | X | X |
C5: Because I am afraid I will look silly if I don’t | 1.47/0.78 | 1.17/0.47 | Conformity 5 | X | X | X | X |
CT1: For the competition | 2.19/1.03 | 1.86/1.02 | Competition/Thrills 1 | X | r-Competition 1 | X | r-Competition 1 |
CT2: To avoid having to talk to somebody one-on-one | 1.46/0.76 | 1.19/0.54 | Competition/Thrills 2 | Did not loada | Dropped | Did not load | Dropped |
CT3: To get practice at that game | 1.77/0.93 | 1.76/0.90 | Competition/Thrills 3 | X | r-Competition 3 | Xb | r-Competition 3 |
CT4: Because I want to win | 1.98/1.03 | 2.10/1.13 | Competition/Thrills 4 | X | r-Competition 4 | X | r-Competition 4 |
CT5: To take a risk | 1.72/0.90 | 1.75/0.91 | Competition/Thrills 5 | Did not loadb | Dropped | Did not loadb | Dropped |
CT6: To just go wild | 2.14/1.05 | 2.14/1.02 | Competition/Thrills 6 | Did not loadb,c | r-Enhancement/Thrills 6 | Did not loadb,c | r-Enhancement/Thrills 6 |
CT7: To see the reactions of others when their inhibitions are lowered | 1.92/0.95 | 1.74/0.89 | Competition/Thrills 7 | Did not loadb | Dropped | Did not loadb | Dropped |
SL1: As a way of getting to know other people | 2.35/0.92 | 2.39/0.96 | Social Lubrication 1 | X | X | X | X |
SL2: To make it easier to talk to someone | 1.99/0.94 | 1.88/0.93 | Social Lubrication 2 | Xa | Xd | X | Xe |
SL3: To meet interesting people | 2.10/0.95 | 2.00/0.95 | Social Lubrication 3 | X | X | X | X |
SL4: To learn things about others | 2.06/0.93 | 2.07/0.94 | Social Lubrication 4 | X | X | X | X |
SL5: As a way of expressing interest in someone2 | 1.84/0.94 | 1.49/0.76 | Social Lubrication 5 | X | Xe | Did not loadf | Did not loadf |
ET1: To get drunk | 2.49/1.04 | 2.55/1.03 | Fun/Celebration 1 | Xb | r-Enhancement/Thrills 1 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 1 |
ET2: To get a buzz | 2.54/0.94 | 2.56/0.89 | Fun/Celebration 2 | Xb | r-Enhancement/Thrills 2 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 2 |
ET3: Because they are fun | 3.15/0.90 | 3.27/0.80 | Fun/Celebration 3 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 3 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 3 |
ET4: To liven up a boring party | 2.86/0.95 | 2.73/0.87 | Fun/Celebration 4 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 4 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 4 |
ET5: To have a good laugh | 3.18/0.84 | 3.26/0.77 | Fun/Celebration 5 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 5 | X | r-Enhancement/Thrills 5 |
CP1: To relax | 2.61/0.95 | 2.24/0.99 | Coping 1 | Did not loadg | Dropped | Xh | Dropped |
CP2: To forget about problems | 1.79/0.98 | 1.50/0.81 | Coping 2 | Xg | Dropped | Xh | Dropped |
CP3: To feel better about myself | 1.50/0.81 | 1.25/0.59 | Coping 3 | Xg | Dropped | Xh | Dropped |
B1: To kill time | 2.08/0.91 | 1.69/0.82 | Boredom 1 | Xi | X | X | X |
B2: When there is nothing else to do | 2.42/0.94 | 2.45/0.97 | Boredom 2 | Xc,i | X | X | X |
B3: Because I don’t know what else to do for fun | 1.57/0.83 | 1.42/0.76 | Boredom 3 | Xc | X | X | X |
N1: Because it is a new experience | 2.15/0.96 | 1.95/0.92 | Novelty 1 | X | X | X | X |
N2: To try something different | 2.20/0.90 | 2.44/0.87 | Novelty 2 | X | X | X | X |
N3: Because it is a more exciting way to drink | 2.67/0.98 | 2.62/0.91 | Novelty 3 | Did not loadc | r-Enhancement/Thrills 7 | Did not loadc | r-Enhancement/Thrills 7 |
SP1: In order to have sex with someone | 1.38/0.76 | 1.10/0.39 | Sexual Manipulation 1 | r-Sexual Pursuit 1 | r-Sexual Pursuit 1j | r-Sexual Pursuit 1j | r-Sexual Pursuit 1j,k |
SP2: As a way to get a date | 1.44/0.77 | 1.16/0.45 | Sexual Manipulation 2 | r-Sexual Pursuit 2 | r-Sexual Pursuit 2j | r-Sexual Pursuit 2j | r-Sexual Pursuit 2j,k |
SP3: To work up the courage to put the moves on someone | 1.48/0.81 | 1.22/0.51 | Sexual Manipulation 3 | r-Sexual Pursuit 3 | r-Sexual Pursuit 3j | r-Sexual Pursuit 3j | r-Sexual Pursuit 3j,k |
Participants in the validation sample (college students) were given the item that contained the original wording of this question; response items on the MPDG range from 1 to 4; X = item loaded on intended factor; r = renamed; PCA = principal components analysis; ESEM = exploratory structural equation modeling.
Cross-loaded on the Boredom factor.
Cross-loaded on the Coping factor.
Cross-loaded on the Fun and Celebration factor.
Cross-loaded on the Conformity factor.
Cross-loaded on the Sexual Pursuit factor.
Loaded on Sexual Pursuit factor.
Three items from the Competition and Thrills (CT5, CT6, and CT7) factor and two items from the Fun and Celebration (FC1 and FC2) factor cross-loaded on this factor.
Four items from the Competition and Thrills (CT3, CT5, CT6, and CT7) factor and one item from the Fun and Celebration factor (FC2) cross-loaded on this factor.
One item from the Competition and Thrills (CT2) factor and one item from the Social Lubrication (SL2) factor loaded on this factor.
One item from the Social Lubrication (SL5) factor cross-loaded on this factor.
One item from the Social Lubrication (SL2) factor cross-loaded on this factor.