Fig. 2.
Morphological and biochemical description of Idioblasts. (a) Microscopy scans of digested mesocarp, dyed with DAPI and Nile Red, showing an Idioblast (top) and two parenchymatic cells (bottom) with bright field (left), and under a blue (center) and a red (right) filter. Three standing elements are marked with letters, namely the Idioblast oil sac (a), and parenchymatic cells’ nucleus (b) and oleosomes(c). (b) Evolution of Acetogenins concentration on Idioblasts during maturation and (c) postharvest ripening of the fruit; a significant difference between two postharvest ripening stages (t-test, p < 0.05) is shown with an asterisk (*). Bars represent the average of three measurements, and error bars reflect the standard deviation of the total acetogenins concentration. (d) Pie charts explaining the contribution of individual acetogenins (top) and fatty acids (bottom) to the total pool in mesocarp (left,) Idioblasts (center,) and seed (left)