Normalized histogram distribution of instantaneous total velocities vtot for cells exposed to different levels of (top) EGF concentration and (bottom) EGF gradient. Histograms were normalized separately for each group and y-axis has arbitrary units. As discussed in the main text, EGF concentration range (top) for the four groups were: low (0–8 ng/ml), medium (8–16 ng/ml), high (16–24 ng/ml), and very high (24–32 ng/ml). EGF gradient range (bottom) for the four groups were: Low (0–9.5 ng/ml/mm), medium (9.5–19 ng/ml/mm), high (19–28.5 ng/ml/mm), and very high (28.5–38 ng/ml/mm). Distributions for the groups are shown with: No ligand, solid line; low stimulation, long dash line; medium stimulation, dash line; high stimulation, long dash-dot-dot line; and very high stimulation, dot line. Legends for the curves are also reported in the figures.