Table 4.
Ultra-short-term (UST) norms.
Studies | Subjects | HRV monitor | Metrics and minimum epoch required to estimate short-term values |
Salahuddin et al. (30) | 24 healthy students Age 22–31 |
ECG | HR and RMSSD-10 s; pNN50, HF (ms2 and nu), LF/HF, and LF nu-20 s; LF ms2 and VLF ms2-50 s; SDNN and the coefficient of variation-60 s; HTI and TINN-90 s to estimate 150 s values |
Nussinovitch et al. (126) | 70 healthy volunteers Age 42.5 ± 16.1 |
ECG | 10 s and 1 min resting RMSSD values correlated with 5 min RMSSD values, but 10 s and 1 min resting SDNN did not correlate with 5 min SDNN values |
Baek et al. (31) | 467 healthy volunteers Age 8–69 |
PPG | HR-10 s; HF ms2-20 s; RMSSD-30 s; pNN50-60 s; LF (ms2 and nu) and HF nu-90 s; SDNN-240 s; VLF ms2-270 s to estimate 5 min values. Minimum values differed by age group |
Munoz et al. (129) | 3,387 adults (1,727 W and 1,660 M) Mean age 53 |
Portapres® | Near-perfect agreement of 120 s RMSSD and SDNN values with 240–300 s values. UST RMSSD values achieved stronger agreement with 240–300 s values than UST SDNN for all record lengths and agreement metrics (Pearson r, Bland-Altman, and Cohen’s d) |
Shaffer et al. (128) | 38 healthy students Age 18–23 |
ECG | HR-10 s; NN50, and pNN50-60 s; TINN, LF ms2, SD1, and SD2-90 s; HTI and DFA ɑ1-120 s; LF nu, HF ms2, HF nu, LF/HF, SampEn, DFA ɑ2, and DET-180 s; ShanEn-240 s; VLF ms2-270 s to estimate 5 min values. No epoch estimated CD |
Coefficient of variation, ratio of the standard deviation to the mean; CD (also D2), correlation dimension, which is the minimum number of variables required to construct a model of system dynamics; DET, determinism of a time series; DFAɑ1, detrended fluctuation analysis, which describes short-term fluctuations; DFA ɑ2, detrended fluctuation analysis, which describes long-term fluctuations; ECG, electrocardiogram; HF ms2, absolute power of the high-frequency band; HF nu, relative power of the high-frequency band in normal units; HR, heart rate; HTI, HRV triangular index or integral of the density of the NN interval histogram divided by its height; LF ms2, absolute power of the low-frequency band; LF nu, relative power of the low-frequency band in normal units; LF/HF, ratio of LF-to-HF power; NN interval, time between adjacent normal heartbeats; nu, normal units calculated by dividing the absolute power for a specific frequency band by the summed absolute power of the LF and HF bands; pNN50, percentage of successive interbeat intervals that differ by more than 50 ms; RMSSD, root mean square of successive RR interval differences; RR interval, time between all adjacent heartbeats; SampEn, sample entropy, which measures signal regularity and complexity; SD1, Poincaré plot standard deviation perpendicular to the line of identity; SD2, Poincaré plot standard deviation along the line of identity; SDNN, standard deviation of NN intervals; ShanEn, Shannon entropy, which measures uncertainty in a random variable; TINN, triangular interpolation of the RR interval histogram or baseline width of the RR interval histogram; VLF ms2, absolute power of the very-low-frequency band.