Table 2.
Probability value of the network (significant) differences across phases for L1 and L2 (French) in the Spanish-speaking group (L1 = Spanish).
T1 vs. T2 | ITotal | IInter_L | IInter_C | IIntra |
L2: French | P T2 > T1 = 0.998 | P T2 > T1 = 0.919 | P T2 > T1 = 0.974 | P T2 > T1 = 1 |
L1: Spanish | P T2 > T1 = 1 | P T2 > T1 = 1 | P T2 > T1 = 0.915 | P T2 > T1 = 1 |
T1 = phase 1 (after a week), T2 = phase 2 (after 4 weeks), P = probability value, I = integration, IIntra_L = Intra-integration of language areas, IIntra_C = Intra-integration of cognitive control areas and IInter = integration between the two networks (language processing and cognitive control). A probability greater than 0.9 is considered significant.