A. Collective motion of two cells on a square 40 μm× 40 μm fibronectin-coated adhesive island, with arrow indicating the direction of motion. (From [152]). B. Example of a rotating pair on a micropattern with dimensions 30 μm× 30 μm obtained using the phase field [34]. The cell membrane is indicated by a black line, the polarity protein by a red contour, the cell nucleus by a blue shape, and the micropattern by a blue dashed line. C. Persistence time τ as a function of the number of cells on a circular micropattern. Note the sharp drop between 4 and 5 cells, attributable to the geometric rearrangement of cells (From [154]). D. Examples of simulated cell motion on a 1D stripe. Depending on model parameters, cells either continuously reverse direction following a collision (left three panels, time going down), or form a chain of cells (right three panels). Adapted from [59].