FIG 3.
TSWV N protein trimer with nucleic acids. (A) Structure of the N protein-DNA complex. DNA molecules are displayed in an orange stick model. The color of each N protein subunit is the same as that described in the legend of Fig. 1C. Shown is a composite-omit 2Fo − Fc map of DNA contoured at 1.0 σ (right). (B) Structure of the N-RNA complex. RNA molecules are displayed in an orange stick model. The color of each N protein subunit is the same as that described in the legend of Fig. 1C. Shown is a composite-omit 2Fo − Fc map of RNA contoured at 1.0 σ (right). (C to F) Magnified views of the interactions with DNA in each N protein subunit. DNA molecules are displayed in an orange stick model. (C) Residues that commonly interact with the DNA molecule in three N protein subunits are depicted in stick form in green. (D to F) Residues that interact with the DNA molecule in only one or two N protein subunits (NPA, [D], NPB [E], and NPC [F]) are depicted in stick form in green (NPA), cyan (NPB), and pink (NPC).