Table 1.
Antioxidant compounds in mushrooms.
Mushroom scientific name | Mushroom common names | Phyllum/Edibility | Antioxidant compounds | Biomaterial source | Reference |
Agaricus arvensis | Horse mushroom | B/E | β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, lycopene, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [42], [43], [44] |
Agaricus bisporus | Common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, champignon mushroom | B/E | Pyrogallol l-ergothioneine, α- and β-glucans Catechin, gallic acid, rutin, caffeic acid |
Fruit bodies and mycelia Fruit bodies hot water extracts |
[17], [33], [35], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49] |
Agaricus blazei | Almond mushroom, mushroom of the sun | B/E | Benzoic acid, myricetin, quercetin, pyrogallol α- and β-Glucans |
Fruit bodies hot water extract Mycelia extracts |
[17], [35], [50] |
Agaricus romagnesii | NA | B/NE | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Fruit bodies | [43], [44] |
Agaricus silvaticus | Scaly wood mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Fruit bodies | [43], [44] |
Agaricus silvicola | Wood mushroom | B/E | β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, lycopene, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [42], [44], [45] |
Agrocybe cylindracea | Black poplar mushroom | B/E | α-Tocopherol, β-tocopherol | Fruit bodies | [32], [51] |
Amanita rubescens | blusher | B/NE | Phenolics compounds, flavonoids | Methanolic extract | [33], [52] |
Armillaria mellea | Honey mushroom | B/NE | Antioxidant components, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and phenolic compounds | Dried mycelia and mycelia-free broth extracts | [53] |
Armillaria ostoyae | Humongous fungus | B/NE | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Auricularia auricula-judae | Jelly mushroom; judas's ear fungus | B/E | Polysaccharides, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies | [40], [54] |
Auriculariapolytricha | Cloud ear, jelly ear | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34], [55] |
Boletus badius | Bay bolete | B/E | β-Carotene, α-tocopherol, phenolic compounds, flavonoids |
Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [36], [49], [56], [57] |
Boletus edulis | Porcini, penny bun | B/E | β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tocopherols | Fruit bodies extracts | [34], [47], [49], [56], [58], [59] |
Calocybe gambosa | St. George's mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [47] |
Cantharellus cibarius | Chanterelle | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies extracts | [34], [45], [47], [49], [52] |
Cantharellus clavatus | Pig's ears, violet chanterelle | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Chlorophyllum rhacodes | Shaggy parasol | B/NE | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Clavaria vermicularis | Fairy fingers, white worm coral | B/E | Flavonoids, ascorbic acid | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [25] |
Clitocybe alexandri | Alexander's Funnel | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36], [60] |
Clitocybe geotropa | Trooping funnel | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [61] |
Coprinopsis atramentaria | Common ink cap, inky cap | B/NE | β-Glucans | Fruit bodies extract | [48] |
Coprinus comatus | Shaggy ink cap | B/E | β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, lycopene, phenolic compounds | mycelium ethanolic extract | [62] |
Coriolus versicolor | Polypore mushroom | B/NE | Gallic, p-coumaric, protocatechin, caffeic and vanillc acids | Methanolic extracts | [63] |
Cortinarius glaucopus | Blue-foot webcap | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Craterellus cornucopioides | Horn of plenty | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [47] |
Fistulina hepatica | Beefsteak fungus, beefsteak polypore | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Flammulina velutipes | Golden needle mushroom; enokitake (Japanese name) | B/E | Gallic acid, pyrogallol, homogentisic acid, 5-sulfosalicylic acid, protocatechuic acid, quercetin, caffeic acid | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts Mycelium extracts |
[35], [64], [65] |
Ganoderma applanatum | Artist's bracket, artist's conk, bear bread | B/NE | Gallic, p-coumaric, protocatechin, caffeic and vanillc acids | Methanolic extracts | [63] |
Ganoderma lucidum | Lingzhi mushroom, Reishi (Japanese name) | B/E | Quercetin, kaempferol, Triterpenoids, polysaccharides |
Fruit bodies Mycelium |
[17], [55], [66] |
Ganoderma tsugae | Hemlock varnish shelf | B/NE | Polysaccharides | Fruit bodies, mycelia and extracts | [67] |
Gomphus clavatus | Pig's ears, violet chanterelle | B/E | Ergosterol, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [68] |
Grifola frondosa | Hen-of-the-woods, ram's head and sheep's head. | B/E | Phenolic compounds, β-1,6 and β-1,3-glucan |
Fruit bodies extract | [69], [70] |
Helvella crispa | White saddle, elfin saddle, common helvel | A/NE | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Hericium erinaceus | Lion's mane mushroom, | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies and mycelium extract | [71] |
Hydnum repandum | Sweet tooth, wood hedgehog, hedgehog mushroom | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33], [34], [36], [72] |
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca | False chanterelle | B/NE | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Hygrophorus marzuolus | March mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [47] |
Hypholoma capnoides | NA | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Hypholoma fasciculare | Sulphur tuft, sulfur tuft, | B/NE | Tocopherols, phenolics, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene | Fruit bodies extracts | [42] |
Hypsizygus marmoreus | Brown Beech Mushroom | B/E | Ascorbic acid, β-carotene, tocopherols | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [73] |
Inonotus obliquus | Chaga mushroom | B/E | p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, quercetin, kaempferol | Mycelium; methanolic and water extracts | [35], [55] |
Laccaria amethystine | Amethyst deceiver | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Laccaria laccata | The deceiver, waxy laccaria | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Lactarius aurantiacus | NA | B/NE | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Lactarius citriolens | NA | B/NE | Free sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols and phenolic acids | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [74] |
Lactarius deliciosus | Saffron milk cap and red pine mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies extracts | [33], [34], [43], [47], [75] |
Lactarius piperatus | Peppery milk-cap | B/E | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Methanolic extract | [33], [52], [76] |
Lactarius salmonicolor | Milky agaric | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Methanolic extract | [33], [77] |
Lactarius sanguifluus | Bloody milk cap | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Lactarius turpis | Ugly milk-cap | B/NE | Free sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols, phenolic acids | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [74] |
Lactarius volemus | The weeping milk cap | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Laetiporus sulphureus | Crab-of-the-woods, sulphur polypore | B/E | Gallic, p-coumaric, protocatechin, caffeic and vanillc acids | Methanolic extracts | [63] |
Leccinum scabrum | Rough-stemmed bolete | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Leccinum spp | NA | B/NE | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene, lycopene | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of dried fruiting bodies | [49] |
Lentinula edodes | Forest mushroom, shiitake | B/E | Gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, catechin, tocopherols | Fruit bodies Fruit bodies extracts |
[35], [78], [59], [55], [64] |
Lentinus squarrolosus | NA | B/E | β-Carotene, lycopene, flavonoids | Fruit bodies extracts | [79] |
Lenzites betulina | Gilled polypore | B/E | Betulinan A, B Benzoquinone | Fruit bodies extracts | [79] |
Lepista inversa | NA | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36], [60] |
Lepista nuda | Wood blewit, blue stalk mushroom | B/E | β-Carotene, α-tocopherol | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [56], [75] |
Lepista sordida | Fairy rings | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Leucopaxillus giganteus | Giant leucopax | B/E | β-carotene, ascorbic acid, lycopene, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [75] |
Lycoperdon molle | The smooth puffball | B/E | Phospoethanolamida, lysophosphatidyl choline | Fruit bodies extracts | [26], [80] |
Lycoperdon perlatum | Common puffball | B/E | Flavonoids, ascorbic acid | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [45], [25] |
Macrolepiota mastoidea | NA | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolics, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene | Fruit bodies extracts | [75] |
Macrolepiota procera | The parasol mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [75], [33], [34], [40], [49] |
Marasmius oreades | Scotch bonnet, fairy ring mushroom | B/E | Flavonoids, ascorbic acid | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [25] |
Meripilus giganteus | Giant polypore, black-staining polypore, | B/E | Gallic, p-coumaric, protocatechin, caffeic and vanillc acids | Methanolic extracts | [63] |
Mycena rosea | Rosy bonnet | B/NE | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Panus conchatus | Lilac oysterling | B/NE | Phenolic compounds, flavonoids | Fruit bodies | [40] |
Panus tigrinus | NA | B/NE | Gallic, p-coumaric, protocatechin, caffeic and vanillc acids | Methanolic extracts | [63] |
Phellinus igniarius | Willow bracket, fire sponge | B/NE | Hispidin | Dried mushrooms | [81] |
Phellinus linteus | Black hoof mushroom, meshimakobu (Japanese name) | B/NE | β-Tocopherol, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid; pyrogallol; homogentisic acid, α- and β-glucans |
Fruit bodies methanolic and ethanolic extracts Fruit bodies hot water extract |
[35], [17], [82] |
Pleurotus albidus | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Mycelium extracts | [83] |
Pleurotus cornucopiae | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [61] |
Pleurotus cystidiosus | Abalone oyster; summer oyster mushroom | B/E | Tocopherols | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [64] |
Pleurotus djamor | Pink oyster mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34], [84] |
Pleurotus dryinus | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Pleurotus eous | NA | B/E | Flavonoids | Fruit bodies water extracts | [85] |
Pleurotus eryngii | King oyster, king trumpet mushroom; | B/E | Gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, naringin, kaempferol, rutin, resveratrol, catechin | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [45], [86] |
Pleurotus ostreatus | Oyster mushroom | B/E | β-Glucans, gallic acid, homogentisic acid, naringin, myricetin, tocopherols, glycoproteins, β-D-Glucan (pleuran) Lectin |
Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [35], [49], [61], [62], [64], [81], [87] |
Pleurotus pulmonarius | Indian oyster, italian oyster, phoenix mushroom | B/E | Flavonoids, ascorbic acid | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [25], [81] |
Pleurotus sajor-caju | Grey oyster mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies water and methanolic extracts | [34], [88] |
Polyporus squamosus | Dryad's saddle and pheasant's back mushroom | B/NE | β-Carotene, α-tocopherol | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [56] |
Polyporus tenuiculus | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies | [40] |
Pycnoporus sanguineus | NA | B/NE | Phenolic compounds | Mycelium extracts | [80] |
Ramaria botrytis | Clustered coral, the pink-tipped coral mushroom | B/NE | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, β-carotene | Fruit bodies extracts | [26] |
Ramaria formosa | Beautiful clavaria, pink coral fungus | B/NE | Ascorbic acid, flavonoids | Fruit bodies extracts | [25] |
Russula brevipes | Short-stemmed russula, the stubby brittlegill | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Russula cyanoxantha | Charcoal burner | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Methanolic extract | [52] |
Russula delica | Milk-white brittlegill | B/E | β-carotene, α-tocopherol phenolic compounds |
Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [33], [56] |
Russula integra | The entire russula | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Russula nigricans | Blackening brittlegill | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Russula vesca | Bare-toothed russula | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Russula vinosa | Darkening brittlegill | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Sarcodon imbricatus | Shingled hedgehog, scaly hedgehog | B/E | β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, lycopene, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [42], [75] |
Schizophyllum commune | Split-gill fungus | B/NE | α- and β-Glucans, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [89] |
Sparassis crispa | Cauliflower fungus | B/E | Protocatechuic acid, benzoic acid, p-hydroxibenzoic acid | Fruit bodies | [35], [72] |
Suillus bovinus | Jersey cow mushroom, bovine bolete | B/E | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of dried fruiting bodies | [49] |
Suillus collinitus | NA | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Suillus luteus | Slippery jack or sticky bun | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [33] |
Suillus mediterraneensis | NA | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [36] |
Suillus variegatus | Velvet bolete | B/E | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of dried fruiting bodies | [49] |
Termitomyces heimii | Termite nest fungus | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34], [66] |
Termitomyces microcarpus | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Termitomyces mummiformis | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Termitomyces schimperi | NA | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Termitomyces tylerance | N/A | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [34] |
Tremella fuciformis | White jelly fungus, white wood ear, snow mushroom | B/E | 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzlacetone | Ethanolic and water extracts | [55] |
Tricholoma acerbum | Bitter knight | B/E | Tocopherols, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, β-carotene | Fruit bodies extracts | [26] |
Tricholoma equestre | Man on horseback, Yellow knight | B/NE | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of dried fruiting bodies | [49] |
Verpa conica | Bell morel, the thimble fungus | A/NE | β-Carotene, α-tocopherol | Fruit bodies methanolic extracts | [56] |
Volvariella volvaceae | Paddy straw mushroom | B/E | Phenolic compounds | Fruit bodies extracts | [66] |
Xerocomus subtomentosus | Suede bolete, boring brown bolete | B/E | Phenolic compounds, β-carotene | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of dried fruiting bodies | [49] |
B: Basidiomycota, A: Ascomycota, E: Edible, NE: Non-edible, NA: not available.