Figure 7.
Providing care during the Medicine in Society rotation at the FONDYLSAHH Clinic in Mayaya, La Victoire, Haiti were (back row from left) Ochsner medical students Timothy Ziethen and John Sisney and Ochsner staff physician Dr Obinna Nnedu; (middle row from left) Ochsner medical student Aneesh Gupta, Ochsner staff physicians Drs Leise Knoepp and Yvens Laborde, clinic nurse Enialikam Jean Francois, Ochsner medical student Marie Claire Lamb, medical photographer Shannon Caruso, Ochsner medical student Chantel Taylor, and clinic nurse Miola Elie; (front row from left) clinic nurse Widline Jean, Haitian physician Dr Phideline Jean, and Ochsner staff physician Dr Shontell Thomas. (To see this image in color, click to