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. 2017 Mar 10;25(1):7–13. doi: 10.1177/2292550317693817

Table 2.

Direct and Indirect Costs of Open Carpal Tunnel Surgery in Canada and the United States.

Canada (US$) US (US$)
Direct costs, mean (SD) 541 (102) 1176 (426-1738)a
 Consultation 100
 Facility, mean $ (SD) 186 (77)
  Supplies 46 51
  Nursing 32
 Anesthesia NA
 Surgeon 189
 Follow-up 65
Indirect costs, mean (SD) 1039 (1963) 1002 (1499)
 Physiotherapy, mean $ (SD) 17 (74) 210 (165)
 Mileage, mean $ (SD) 7 (19) 36 (40)
 Parking, mean $ (SD) 15 (8) NA
 Other (splints, bandages, and  medications) 10 (9) 6 (5)
 Productivity loss (societal)
  Personal, $ (SD) 816 (1932) 675 (1483)
  Caregiver, $ (SD) 170 (337) 75 (139)
Total direct + indirect 1581 (1965) 2179 (1421-2741)a

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; SD, standard deviation.
