Figure 5. Double H3K36Q mutants fail to repress cryptic promoters.
(A) Northern blot for STE11 for RNA isolated from the indicated strains, with 25S Northern shown as a loading control. Top band, which migrates at 2.2 kb, represents the full-length STE11 transcript, while the two lower molecular-weight bands correspond to previously-characterized sense transcripts initiating within the STE11 coding region from cryptic promoters (Kaplan et al., 2003). (B) Quantitation of cryptic transcript levels for STE11 in the various strains indicated (n = 3). Levels of cryptic transcripts were normalized to full-length. Average and std. dev. of triplicate measures of these normalized values are graphed on the y-axes. Strains analyzed were: WT wt-c (PKY4701), K36Q wt-c (PKY4827), eaf3Δ WT wt-c (PKY5077), eaf3Δ K36Q wt-c (PKY5079), P38V wt-c (PKY5031), pWT XY (PKY4704), K36Q mXY (PKY4829), K36Q XmY (PKY4831), K36Q mXmY (PKY4834), eaf3Δ pWT XY (PKY5081), eaf3Δ K36Q mXY (PKY5083), eaf3Δ K36Q XmY (PKY5086) and eaf3Δ K36Q mXmY (PKY5087), P38V mXY (PKY5033), P38V XmY (PKY5035), P38V mXmY (PKY5037), K36Q mX/P38V mY (PKY5138), and P38V mX/K36Q mY (PKY5140). pWT_XY, pseudo wild-type; mXY, mutation on X; XmY, mutation on Y; and mXmY, mutation on both X and Y.