Figure 8.
The Vam6-Gtr1/Gtr2-Ltv1 pathway controls recycling in response to leucine starvation. (A) Localization of Ste3-GFP-Ub after acute leucine starvation. (B) FM4-64 efflux after acute leucine starvation in wild-type cells alone or cells expressing Gtr1GTP. (C) Mup1-GFP was localized in indicated mutants grown to mid-log phase. (D) Localization of Mup1-GFP in wild-type and ltv1Δ cells in replete medium (+Leu), after 30-min leucine starvation (–Leu), or after 30-min rapamycin (200 ng/ml) treatment. Bars, 5 µm.