A) Repeated diffusion MR measures of ADCL in recurrent GBM using “double baseline”, repeated pre-treatment examinations, from the cediranib trial. B) Repeatability of ADCL phenotypes (e.g. higher vs. lower ADCL) for different thresholds (solid black line, left y-axis) as well as the proportion of patients higher or lower than this threshold (gray lines, right y-axis). C) Mantel-Haenszel hazard ratios (HRs, solid black line) and 95% confidence intervals (gray area) for OS in recurrent GBM for different ADCL thresholds in patients pooled from all four anti-VEGF therapies. D) Level of significance (p-values) for OS differences for different ADCL thresholds in patients pooled from all four anti-VEGF therapies. E) Mantel-Haenszel HRs for OS for different ADCL thresholds for individual anti-VEGF therapies. F) Level of significance (p-values) for OS differences for ADCL thresholds in individual anti-VEGF therapies.