Fig. 4.
Moisture contribution from ocean and terrestrial sources. Contribution of a Arabian Sea (50°–75° E, 5° S–30° N), b Bay of Bengal (80°–100° E, 5° S–30° N), c central Indian Ocean (50°–100° E, 25°–5° S) and d central Indian subcontinent (73°–83° E, 16°–28° N) in supplying moisture for the extreme precipitation events over central Indian subcontinent. The moisture contribution is estimated using the Dynamic Recycling Model. The colors indicate individual source’s contribution to the precipitation anomaly in mm day−1. The negative precipitation anomalies (mm day−1) south of the subcontinent indicate deficient rainfall because of the northward shift in rainfall bands during extreme rainfall events over central India. The anomaly is calculated as deviation from the seasonal mean precipitation. The percentages in the subheadings show the fractional contributions of moisture to the extreme precipitation over the selected region in central India from different sources