A: schematic of the two-population network. The average amount of excitatory connections on average are fixed, but we vary the expected intragroup and intergroup inhibition kintra and kinter. B and C: 2 simulations of the network with different parameters. Each simulation also has a schematic on right demonstrating the differences in inhibitory network strengths. A thicker line indicates more connections, and a darker color indicates a more reliable rhythm. B shows the case kintra = 1.0 and kinter = 4.0. C depicts kintra = 2.0 and kinter = 1.5. There, we observe less reliable rhythms, with decreased phase order Ω and decreased synchrony χ, despite approximately equal average phase difference Φ. D: average synchrony over 8 realizations for each kinter and kintra pair. Higher values of χ occur above the diagonal kinter = kintra line. E: average phase difference Φ of rhythmic bursts between the 2 populations. No clear trends are evident, and the value is close to Φ = 0.5, perfectly out of phase, in much of the region. F: average phase order Ω. Higher phase order indicates that the relative phase of bursts in populations 1 and 2, i.e., Φ in E, are reliable. The phase order appears to be proportional to the synchrony, with the highest values above the diagonal. Star and circle symbols in D–F are the network parameters used to produce the rhythms in B and C, respectively.