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. 2017 Jul 26;8(9):6583–6593. doi: 10.1039/c7sc02545a

Fig. 2. (a) 40 × 40 μm spatially resolved current map (equipotential image) obtained at –0.65 V vs. RHE (see Movie S1 for full potential range). Major and minor surface defects are labelled as (i) and (ii), respectively. (b) Representative LSVs obtained from areas containing only basal plane (black trace, average of 1000 measurements) and basal plus edge plane [red trace, defect (i), average of 30 measurements] of bulk MoS2. The following parameters were used in (a) and (b): [HClO4] = 5 mM, ν = 0.5 V s–1, E b = +0.2 V, r a = 275 nm and r b = 125 nm. (c) SEM and (d) AFM topographical images of the scan area. Inset in (d) is an AFM line profile of the area indicated by the dashed red line.

Fig. 2