Figure 13.
Inhibition of Notch pathway induces a switch from branch territory to TEB identity. (A,B) DAPT-treated samples after 4 days of treatment. (A) Volume renderings (left panel) and confocal images (right panel) of whole mount immunostaining for Krt19 and E-Cadherin reveal an arrest in the duct formation in the DAPT-treated samples in comparison to the DMSO control. Dotted lines highlights epithelial compartment and lumen. (B) Volume renderings (left panel) and confocal images (right panel) of whole mount immunostaining for aSMA and E-Cadherin demonstrate an enlargement of the aSMA+ domain in the DAPT-treated samples in comparison to the DMSO control. Krt19 and aSMA staining reflect an extension of the TEBs territory instead of ductal tree expansion. Scale bars: (A,B) left panel: 200 μm; right panel: 50 μm. Insets show the magnified region in the right panels.